(A Peer Review Journal)
e–ISSN: 2408–5162; p–ISSN: 2048–5170


THE AMINO ACIDS COMPOSITION OF SMOOTH LOOFAH (Luffa cylindrical L.), ROSELLE (Hibiscus sabdariffa) AND SESAME (Sesamum indicum) SEEDS
Pages: 85-88
H. O. Adubiaro, E. M. Ogunbusola and A. A. Olaleye

keywords: Amino acids, analysis, composition, roselle, sesame, smooth loofah


The amino acid composition of smooth loofah, roselle and sesame seeds were determined using standard analytical techniques. The amino acid analysis revealed that all the samples contained nutritional useful quantities of most of the essential amino acids (EAA). The total amino acid values were high at 97.2 g/100g (smooth loofah); 72.8 g/100g (roselle); 97.5 g/100g (sesame). The total essential amino acid (TEAA) ranged from 34.7 g/100g in roselle to 44.6 g/100g in sesame and 32.1 g/100g in smooth loofah and 42.0 g/100g in sesame with and without histidine, respectively. The most concentrated amino acid for the three seeds was glutamic acid wiyh values range from 15.7 g/100g protein in roselle to 31.4g/100g cp in smooth loofah. The predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER) range was 1.6 – 2.1. The isoelectric point (pI) ranged from 4.2 in roselle to 5.8 in sesame, showing the samples protein to be in acidic medium of the pH range. In the amino acid scores, limiting amino acids were serine (0.165) in smooth loofah, and lysine (0.435 and 0.468) in roselle and sesame, respectively in whole hen’s egg; Lys in all (0.25-0.53) in provisional EAA scoring pattern; only roselle and sesame would supply virtually the required EAAs for the pre-school child as most determinations were above 100% requirement. Isoleucine had the highest score in smooth loofah 1.75 g/100g and roselle (1.15 g/100g) while Met+Cys had the highest score in sesame seed (1.34 g/100g).


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